Strengths of MC FOODS

MC Foods aims to become a company that supplies products and provides proposals and solutions on products in its product line: fruit juice, tea, confectionery materials and dairy products.

The Mitsubishi Corporation Group is advancing the globalization of supply, putting effort into the reliable supply of raw materials that are competitive while being sustainable and traceable. MC FOODS is ensuring stable supply and checking the safety and quality of products by taking full advantage of being a member of the Group.

We are making an all-out effort for offering product proposals based on our product development capabilities that allow us to meet customer's needs certainly and a wide-ranging product line.
We are committed to providing cooperation to customers in developing and proposing original products based on the pursuit of higher quality products, value for our customers. Our role is to take part in offering products with our own know-how that other companies can't imitate. That will bring satisfaction to customers.
Our experts will make proposals, ranging from product proposal to product redesign, by communicating with customers.

We perform quality evaluation and factory audit based on our own examination system.
We are constantly making efforts for maintaining product quality by means such as conducting regular tour of inspection abroad with experts of each product, exchanging opinions with suppliers and internal and external training.